I would like to make the temperature correction by myself, not using an hardcoded constant value as a drift, isn't science option supposed to be available for a lab? I would like to have the raw RH value since I want to apply temperature correction using a non constant value, but depending from the temperature (and wind eventually). Having original RH value is useful to calculate absolute humidity, like you already do internally in the device.
Bestbewertete Beiträge von sugo
RE: sensor data influenced by other sensor?
RE: sensor data influenced by other sensor?
"no. we don't correct for cross sensitivities at the moment. We have research project on this and hope we will be able to do so in the future (actually our research focuses on measuring NEW additional sensor values)"
- Well, this is quite important considering the 1:1 sensitivity of O3 to NO2, and since we got a NO2 sensor, looks like obvious to use it, probably better fixing the current stuff than implementing new sensors
"done in the air-Q device"
- after some analisys, see my review on the link above, in the HA forum, I am not sure this is done accurately, it would be nice to have the raw values and/or the formulas you use
"Why do you think so?
without the autocalibration the values would drift over time and could even "jump" permanently when "climatic shocks" occur"- because a simple correction of the zero value is not enough, I had tried a climatic shock, from outdoor 0 °C to indoor 20 °C and with the compensation I did, it looks everithing works fine, I still have to fix/fine tuning something, but what I mean is: we have a very good device with good sensors, we can and we should achieve better measurement of what we currently receive. Sensors are factory calibrated, which is a damn good stuff, we probably just need a good temperature/humidity/pressure compensation, and a fix of cross sensitivity is a must. Anyway I will go on with my review on HA forum (which BTW is a positive review) providing graph and stuff, at the end I will provide the exact formulas I used for compensation, which seems to work just fine
just my $ .02
Neuster Beitrag von sugo
RE: Firmware-Updates (aktuell)
@Daniel-air-Q sagte in Firmware-Updates (aktuell):
@sugo, the fire and gas alarm is alternating between to frequencies and continuous.
Oh, I didn't saw it since you need to be logged in for that, I hope fire alarm works even if not logged in, and in that case I don't understand why I cannot set it locally like other alarms. Also I don't see how to test it.
Anyway: CO > 230 mg/m3 and T > 70 °C is probably too late. I understand you want to avoid false positive, still this should be customizable, like others alerts
RE: Firmware-Updates (aktuell)
@Daniel-air-Q sagte in Firmware-Updates (aktuell):
Important changes are:
(1) Alarm tones are no longer adjusted to the same volume for all frequencies. This means that high frequencies can now produce significantly louder alarm tones, which is what customers have requested.Thanks, this is a bit better, but not enough. Sound should be LOUD, in case of fire, if I sleep I need something louder. If not possible due to hardware limitations, at least it should be beeping, like alternating every second and lasting like 1 minute or so.
Also possibility to combine values with logical operator (AND / OR) would be a nice to have. -
RE: sensor data influenced by other sensor?
@Mario-air-Q : yeah, it's probably just the offset, but in "normal" conditions, meaning I have 0.15 mg that you should use as a baseline as default, and I see 1 mg, because you choose that as a normal co value. That was probably correct 30 years ago.
Anyway, somewhere you stated that "normal" outdoor values is like 1mg/mc, this is just wrong -
RE: Einschätzung Werte - Büroluft Co2 und Ozon
I think there's 2 issues, first is O3 sensor is actually measuring O3+NO2
The second is you have an HVAC system that makes sensors not able to stabilizehttps://community.home-assistant.io/t/air-q-device-any-good/512254/11
RE: sensor data influenced by other sensor?
About CO I think your statement that "normal" outdoor values is like 1mg/mc is wrong, it's more like 0.1mg/mc, in fact outdoor CO in not anymore an issue since years. The reported value is good enough for detection of fire, which I guess it's the main target, still I don't like to have a value which could be wrong by a factor of 10.
RE: sensor data influenced by other sensor?
Do you have some news?I currently use this formula, for integrated correction would be for sure far better
- platform: statistics
name: "min T"
entity_id: sensor.airq_temperature
state_characteristic: value_min
minutes: 2000
sampling_size: 2000
state: "{{ states('sensor.airq_voc') | float * ( 2 / states('sensor.airq_absolute_humidity') | float ) ** 0.8 - 11 * ( states('sensor.airq_temperature') | float - states('sensor.min_t') | float ) }}"
- platform: statistics
RE: sensor data influenced by other sensor?
https://sensirion.com/media/documents/984E0DD5/61644B8B/Sensirion_Gas_Sensors_Datasheet_SGP30.pdf"The SGP30 features an on-chip humidity compensation for the air quality signals (CO2eq and TVOC) and sensor raw signals
(H2 signal and Ethanol signal). To use the on-chip humidity compensation an absolute humidity value from an external humidity
sensor like the SHTxx is required. Using the “sgp30_set_absolute_humidity” command, a new humidity value can be written to
the SGP30 by sending 2 data bytes (MSB first) and 1 CRC byte."I have the strong feeling this is not applied, can you please confirm?
RE: sensor data influenced by other sensor?
@Felix-Bayer : no worries, I am happy with my device, it's just sad that you cannot write a better firmware, I just demonstrated that good calibration can be achieved.
Have a look here, device outside with temperature from 0 to 14 °C
https://community.home-assistant.io/t/air-q-device-any-good/512254/12 -
RE: sensor data influenced by other sensor?
@jojo in no way they are going to understand, they are really not interested, they are working on new sensors while in the meantime this one provides completely random data
my contribution on this forum ends here, I will go on on HA forum with my review, because something better can be achieved -
RE: sensor data influenced by other sensor?
I would like to make the temperature correction by myself, not using an hardcoded constant value as a drift, isn't science option supposed to be available for a lab? I would like to have the raw RH value since I want to apply temperature correction using a non constant value, but depending from the temperature (and wind eventually). Having original RH value is useful to calculate absolute humidity, like you already do internally in the device.